Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Custody Battles

This is an opportunity to come together and speak about design as a collective.

The industry is saturated with talent and vision which can act as a great foundation for a discussion on fashion design theory, highlighting what we all do individually and together to produce great ideas, great design and great products regardless of market or niche.

The world has long produced great designers, and while each designer has their own vision, we can focus on what may be a common fashion philosophy.

Such philosophy would transcend aesthetics, customer, and execution methodologies but rather concentrate on the variables which are common to all of us: culture, societycraft, politics, beauty, function, creativity and innovation

These are elements of design for the collective consciousness. For designers who take fashion as an important platform for expression, these elements must be as critical as silhouette, fabric, or color.

Much of the fashion world, its importance and its reputation is handled by parties with little or no part in the design process. Much of what is of value to designers gets loss in translation.

The media and advertisement are integral parts of the industry. But custody must be granted to designers.

Let the custody battle begin with the following question:

What are (or should/could be) the duties of a fashion designer?

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